Galfond to resume challenge against Venividi1993 this Wednesday

Galfond Challenge vs Venividi1993

These days, the poker community has been actively discussed Phil Galfond’s heads-up challenge.

In early February, Galfond went into the red for €800 000 during his battle against Venividi1993, following which Phil announced that he wanted to suspend the competition due to the fact that he went on tilt.

Read also: Phil Galfond: «I was able to make a tough decision with a clear head»

However, yesterday, the message, stated that the challenge against Venividi1993 would resume this Wednesday, appeared on the Twitter pages of Galfond and RIO Poker.

Run It Once Poker

The heads-up match between Venividi1993 and Phil Galfond in PLO resumes on March 4 at 4:00 pm (GMT). The game will start with €100 / €200 blinds, and the guys are to play 5 days a week (four hours a day).

Everyone interested will be able to watch the guys' play on the Twitch channel of Run It Once Poker.

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