Mike Postle should pay $27 000 for Veronica Brill

Veronica Brill 2021

​It should be reminded that the American courts have acquitted Mike Postle's actions concerning the fraud case. Most poker players disagreed with this decision, but that was not the end of it.

Despite the victory in court, the American decided to prepare a big sue for libel. However, the quarrel with lawyers prevented him from winning this case. One of the lawyer (who represented the "victims" of Postle's presumptive fraud) stated that Mike's lawyers refused to represent him in court.       

Read also: Poker player Marle Cordeiro filed a separate lawsuit against Mike Postle

Lawyer Maurice VerStandig posted on his Twitter page a photo of statement in support of the prosecutor’s application to remove him from the lawyer position. However, he didn’t live any comments.

Prosecutor's petition

Eventually, Mike ignored all court proceedings and the American justice granted Veronica Brill's claim. Now, Postle has to reimburse her $27 000.

Amid these news, Rounder Life magazine posted an anonymous article on its website with "its own independent investigation". The magazine claims that the winrate of alleged scammer's isn’t as high as previously assumed. This fact has cast doubt on one of the biggest poker scandals of the past decade.  

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Sunrise Editor
Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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