Applications of No-Limit Hold'em
A book «Application of No Limit Hold'em» by Matthew Janda is a guidance on theoretically optimal game. It reveals and explains the theory that underlies NL Hold'em. The author focuses on the game against conditionally ideal or theoretically optimal opponents.
Professional often use an approach described in the book. Janda doesn’t deny the fact that many successful players may even not be aware of the concepts he suggests in the book and continue to show profitable game. However, he is sure that poker players, who are well-versed in the theory, are able to detect and exploit their opponents’ mistakes, as well as hide their leaks better than others.
Material of the book is mainly targeted at 6-max games, since it is the author’s core discipline, but Matthew claims that almost all the considered concepts may be used for 9-max and HU tables, and some of them are applicable not only in Hold'em, but also in other types of poker, for example, in Omaha.
Read Matthew Janda's «Applications of No-Limit Hold'em» by downloading it in PDF format on our website, or purchase the book on Amazon.
The author tried to convey the theoretical concepts to readers as accessible as possible, without burdening them with unnecessary mathematics and terminology.
The book is divided into 16 sections. They contain theory and hand examples. The author used Flopzilla program to analyze the hands.
A bit about the author:
Matthew Janda can be called a poker theorist. The guy was pretty successful in online poker, but he was forced to leave the game after Black Friday occurred in the USA. The poker player was fond of card games since his youth, and at the university he was interested in game theory. He has made several videos on poker theory using computer programs. The purpose of these videos is to train poker players in mathematical concepts.
Download not work, please check it.. Any books dont have suport for downlaod
Good Analytics in the book. There is something to emphasize...
Lots of math and linear equations... I'm not skilled player and it was difficult to read this book.
the book is not for beginners or even for average players. I would say that this is "must-read" for advanced players. well-written strategy and various concepts.
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