The champion of Main Event PartyPoker Live Millions was determined

Lukas Zaskodny 2019

The PartyPoker Live Millions Main Event for €10 300 taking place in Rozvadov has finished, and we know the winner’s name. It was Czech poker player Lukas Zaskodny who captured the tournament and took home $1 000 000 in prize money.

504 poker players took part in the event, two of whom reached the final. They are both from the Czech Republic, therefore even before the heads-up started, it was clear the cup would remain in the hosting country. Lucas played better than his opponent Josef Sneiberg. This is what he said after the game:

«We were playing for a lot of money, and the pay jumps were quite huge. Even though the table is quite shallow, I understand that nobody wants to be eliminated».

As it turned out, Josef and Lucas are good friends, but they had never played heads-up together before the Main Event:

«One month ago we had a groundbreaking with my garden. And we were talking and saying that we’ve never played heads-up together, even though we’ve played together many years. So one month after that, we got heads up», Zaskodny told journalists.

In the last hand of the event, Lucas Zaskodny went all-in having 10-10, and Josef called with A-10. Snejberg didn’t catch the desired ace and lost fight for the first place since the board showed 6-J-5-5-6.

Lukas Zaskodny 2019

Main Event PartyPoker Live Millions Europe 2019 results:

  1. Lukas Zaskodny (Czech Republic) – $1 000 000
  2. Josef Snejberg (Czech Republic) – $797 000
  3. Romain Lewis (France) – $475 000
  4. Severin Schleser (Austria) – $333 000
  5. Sam Grafton (UK) – $244 000
  6. Roberto Romanello (UK) – $189 000
  7. Charlie Carrel (UK) – $144 000
  8. Rastislav Paleta (Czech Republic) – $111 000
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